
12 Tips to Become a Better You

As Christmas approaches, I am sitting here at the local coffee shop trying to think of what to write to you guys, the TTS nation. Earlier I planned on writing you about training during the holiday season, and how to stay consistent during this hectic time of year. But all that keeps popping into my […]

F*ck Your Age

F*ck Your Age

  On December 17th 2016, Bernard Hopkins will be fighting one last time to finish out an incredible boxing career. If you don’t know his story, I recommend you check it out. In a nut shell, he came from nothing, always got into trouble, ended up in prison and after spending quite some time in […]

Eat to Compete

What’s up, TTS nation?! I am sure you guys are back on your grind after the holiday and are hitting the gym hard and heavy! Just a quick update, my hand is pretty close to 100% now, with the exception of occasional numbness. As far as strength goes though, I am almost back to where […]

The Best Method for Developing Real-World Strength

We all know the importance of the big, compound movements when it comes to getting strong. The bench, squat and deadlift are among the three best exercises you can do for developing strength. Combine them with quality back work, overhead pressing, gymnastics training, unilateral and posterior chain work and you are really making a huge […]

What’s Your Why?

Most people, wake up to an annoying alarm clock, roll over and hit the snooze button 2, 3, 4 and maybe even 5 times. They rush out of bed, throw on some clothes as they listen to all of the b.s. going on in the world and then rush to a job they hate. On […]

Maximize your Results by doing THIS

How do you go about your training regimen? Do you just pick a few exercises that you enjoy, with a set rep scheme that you just kinda feel like that day? Do you pick exercises that challenge you, or do you like to stick with the curls and treadmill? Do you take the easy way […]

5 Biggest Fitness Myths EXPOSED

What’s up everybody?! I hope you’re all feeling as good as I am to finally be typing a blog post without a clunky cast on my right hand! I realized that you really appreciate the little things once they are taken away from you (like wiping your ass). Gross, I know, but ain’t it the […]

3 Life Lessons from The Olympics

Every four years we get to witness the incredible athleticism displayed in the Olympics. Every time I get to watch the events I am more and more impressed in what we are seeing. The incredible body control and precision of the gymnasts. The freakishness of Michael Phelps and Usain Bolt and all of the other […]