
The Iron Life Podcast #176: My Favorite Training Split, Why Deadlifts Are Overrated, How Often You Should Train Abs, And Your Questions Answered

The Iron Life Podcast #176: My Favorite Training Split, Why Deadlifts Are Overrated, How Often You Should Train Abs, And Your Questions Answered

On today’s Q and A episode I dive into a variety of topics including: My favorite training split and why I hate full body workouts My take on deadlifts and why they’re overrated for most people How often I eat and how much protein I consume How frequently you should train your abs Will protein […]

The Iron Life Podcast #168: How To Master The Art of Coaching

The Iron Life Podcast #168: How To Master The Art of Coaching

Running an effective training session doesn’t mean counting reps and being a cheerleader. As a coach, we wear many different “hats” in a given session. You wear the trainer “hat”, then become the therapist, comedian, DJ, motivational speaker, teacher, coach, mentor, and more. Then factor in the flow of your training session and managing different […]