
Suffering is a Blessing

Nobody is perfect. We have all made mistakes. We have all done things we are not proud of. We all have some things we wish we would have done differently and have things in life we wish were better. Many of us wish we were dealt a different hand. But here’s the reality. You don’t […]

The Development of an Athlete

Most parents want their kid to become the next Derek Jeter. So, they sign their kid up for baseball at an early age. Then, they sign them up for baseball in the summer, baseball in the fall and indoor baseball in the winter. Parents do this because they want their kid to get better at […]

How to Lose Fat Without Losing Muscle

The dreaded idea of losing any ounce of muscle while training for fat loss can make me cringe. All year you’ve put in the work. Hit the gym hard consistently, never missed a meal and you are happy with the outcome. You’ve put on pretty nice size and are ready to get your body fat […]

Lessons from WrestleMania 32

I don’t watch wrestling anymore like I used to. Not like the times when Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock were in their prime and every Monday Night Raw and Pay per view was better than the last. Those were the days… However, I do still watch WrestleMania every year. Last night, like every […]

The Dad Bod? Are you F*&$ing Kidding Me?!?!

I hate to even utter the words. The Dad Bod. A term that somehow, someway has become acceptable to most middle-aged men in The United States. The fact that “The Dad Bod” is a term that’s even tolerated is a direct reflection of the current state of weakness amongst our society. So before you become […]

Sleep Better to Maximize your Life

Sleep. Something so simple that will help build muscle, burn fat, improve your mood, productivity, mental clarity, physical and mental performance and combat disease. Something so simple, yet not many people have good or even decent sleeping habits. This is usually do to stress, social activity, poor habits, work and lack of physical exercise. Now, […]

Start Small and Get Big, Faster!

Isee it all the time. Younger athletes and brand new lifters, trying to mimic the Youtube and InstaGram videos of their favorite athletes and lifters. Cleans, squats, deadlifts and all of the other great exercises out there  that are essential for building a bigger, stronger, faster, more powerful you. However, some of these lifters aren’t […]

The Truth about Supplements

Everyone asks the question. What supplements should I be taking? What do you think of fat burners? Do you take a pre-workout? And my answer is simple. They suck. Since I usually keep my answer short and sweet, I wanted to get a little more in depth on the topic in this blog post, with […]