
The Iron Life Podcast #156: How To Create A High End Front End Offer

The Iron Life Podcast #156: How To Create A High End Front End Offer

If you’re a gym owner this episode is a must listen!

I share the exact framework you’ll need to develop a world-class front end program that will get new clients lining up at your door every month.

On today’s show I break down:

  • How to “wow” your clients with a great onboarding experience
  • How to deliver real value throughout your program
  • Communication cadences
  • How to convert members into long term clients
  • How to get more reviews and testimonials than ever

And so much more.


Enjoy the show.


The Iron Life Podcast #155: Why Most People Fail

The Iron Life Podcast #155: Why Most People Fail

On today’s show I discuss why most people fail at fitness, business and other aspects of their lives.

I dive into personal experiences of failure as well as the failures of those I’ve worked with throughout the years.

Some topics include:

  • What most people THINK they need but don’t
  • The three categories of people who fail
  • The top things that stop people from achieving success
  • The 7 basic human fears
  • My formula to win

And so much more.


Enjoy the show.


The Iron Life Podcast #153: Simplifying Nutrition With Sam Miller

The Iron Life Podcast #153: Simplifying Nutrition With Sam Miller

Sam Miller is a nutrition coach and founder of Metabolism School.

He’s also a podcast host, best selling author and helps build coaches into in-demand experts.

On today’s show I sit down with Sam and dive into all things nutrition including:

  • The negative impact of diet culture
  • How chronic calorie restriction can negatively impact fat loss and health
  • The reasons behind the rise of obesity
  • The impact of stress on metabolism
  • His P3 Model for transformation

And much more.


Enjoy the show.


The Iron Life Podcast #152: The Six Pillars of a Fulfilling Life

The Iron Life Podcast #152: The Six Pillars of a Fulfilling Life

It’s my opinion that to achieve a life of fulfillment and happiness there are six major areas you need to address and constantly improve.

For example, you might be incredibly fit but broke.

Or you’re rich but unhealthy.

Rich and healthy but have terrible relationships.

None of these examples will lead you down a path of happiness.

So on today’s show I give you the six “pillars” that have given me fulfillment in my own life, in hopes that they can do the same for you.


Enjoy the show.


The Iron Life Podcast #151: 11 Tips To Build A World Class Gym Business

The Iron Life Podcast #151: 11 Tips To Build A World Class Gym Business

If you’re a gym owner or have aspirations to open a gym, this episode is for you.

On today’s show I give you 11 critical tips to building a massively successful and profitable gym and how to apply them today.

Some topics include:

  • Creating a world class front end program
  • Creating a sales process that isn’t sleazy
  • How to become a master connector in your community
  • How to differentiate your gym from others in your area
  • Building a world class team

And more.

If you’re a gym owner or trainer, this is a must listen.


Enjoy the show


The Iron Life Podcast #150: Leadership, Business, Mindset and Growth With Jemand Ezeonwuka

The Iron Life Podcast #150: Leadership, Business, Mindset and Growth With Jemand Ezeonwuka

Jemand is an entrepreneur, author, speaker, and mentor.

Today he sits down with Chris to make his second appearance on the Iron Life and delivered a ton of great information on a variety of topics.

Some topics include:

  • Starting a franchise
  • Managing his work-life mix
  • How to manage your schedule while operating multiple businesses
  • How to shift your belief system
  • Developing a winning mindset

And much more!

There are so many gems given in this episode so you’ll want to have a notebook handy.


Enjoy the show

The Iron Life Podcast #148: How Fitness Trends Have F*cked Your Results

The Iron Life Podcast #148: How Fitness Trends Have F*cked Your Results

Fitness and nutrition trends come and go.

And 99.9% of them have done more harm than good.

On today’s show I dive into these different trends to discuss the issues they’ve created as well as how to spot them so you don’t get sucked in.

I then share the four key things you must focus on to lose fat, build muscle, get strong and optimize your health.


Enjoy the show!