
The Iron Life Podcast #2: 32 Life Lessons of Life, Training, Nutrition, Business and Personal Growth

The Iron Life Podcast #2: 32 Life Lessons of Life, Training, Nutrition, Business and Personal Growth

On episode 2 of The Iron Life Podcast I share my 32 lessons of life, training, mindset, nutrition business and life in hopes to help you create the habits that will lead to a better life Click below to listen.

The Iron Life Podcast #1: The Beginning

The Iron Life Podcast #1: The Beginning

On Episode 1 I tell my story and why I started in the fitness industry. I discuss the struggles I’ve  faced in life that have helped me discover my purpose in hopes that you can discover yours as well. Click below to listen.

Three Life Lessons from Jiu-Jitsu

Three Life Lessons from Jiu-Jitsu

If you’ve been following me on social media for a while then you probably know that I’ve been learning Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu pretty intensely for nearly the last year. I’m just a white belt learning all of the basics, but little by little I can see myself improving. I’m by no means an expert, but I’m […]



365 days. That’s how long you’ve been waiting. Tomorrow turned into next week. Next week into next month. Next month is now next year. It’s been going on much longer than that. Probably your entire life. You’ve told yourself you have a goal, but how seriously did you take it? Did you make the time? […]

The One Change You Need to Make Right Now

The One Change You Need to Make Right Now

Stop. There’s a real problem with your solution for headaches, aches and pains. For years you’ve been told to “just take an Advil” whenever you had a headache. So for as far back as you can remember, you tossed down a few ibuprofen whenever you didn’t feel so hot. You may even take some ibuprofen […]

Gehirn Bauch Magen

Your Second Brain

You’re probably aware that the food you eat effects the way you feel in the short term. You know that if you eat pizza and ice cream you’re going to feel bloated and lethargic shortly after. But what you probably don’t know is that the food you eat plays a major role in your brain […]

TTS TALK: Episode 2-Find Your Why

TTS TALK: Episode 2-Find Your Why

On the second episode of TTS Talk Ruben and I wanted to dive a little bit deeper into helping you achieve your goals. One of the best ways to do that is by understanding why you set that particular goal in the first place. One of the biggest reasons why New Year’s resolutions are such […]

TTS Talk: Episode 1

TTS Talk: Episode 1

Welcome to the very first episode of TTS Talk! This is your go-to YouTube series for everything health, fitness, strength, personal development and mindset. My co-host, colleague and long time friend Ruben Borges and I are prepared to dive deep in helping you transform your body and mind, and share our experiences with you in […]

Balance is Bullshit

If you want to accomplish anything of significance in life then you’re going to need to forget about balance. Balance is bullshit. Although it’s what most fitness gurus talk about these days. They say that balance is “the key” to better fitness results, lifestyle, etc. So, they’re saying that if you want abs, eat clean […]