The Iron Life Podcast #10: From College Athlete to Alcoholic to Lifestyle Coach and Success with Sam Morris

A lot of us suffer from stress and anxiety.

In fact, anxiety can be extremely debilitating for many people.

Sometimes, that anxiety can be so overwhelming that people begin to use drugs and alcohol just to cope with it.

Once the drugs and alcohol come into play, it can become a very slippery slope.

All of a sudden drugs and alcohol take over your life and you have no control.

I’ve seen it happen to close friends, clients and my own brother.

My guest on today’s episode of The Iron Life Podcast is Sam Morris.

Sam is the owner of Telos Lifestyle and personal development coach.

He also suffers from alcoholism and shares his story with you today on this powerful episode.

He discusses what got him into drinking in the first place and how he’s turned his hardships into triumph.

Trust me when I say that you don’t want to miss this episode.

It can help you, a loved one, a co-worker or anyone who wants to transform their life. Not just someone who’s suffering from addiction.

Click below to give it a listen.


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